The Rules and Regulations are for all camp personnel, campers and visitors. They Apply to any LBBC sponsored activity both on and off LBBC campgrounds.

Dress Code – Applies to campers, staff and visitors:
1. Clothing must be modest. The following are deemed immodest:
a. Sleeveless tops (tank tops, tube tops, off-the-shoulder tops)
b. Low cut tops
c. Bare midriffs
d. Sagging pants
e. Undergarments showing
f. Pants with words across the backside
g. Shorts above the knee
h. Suggestively ripped clothing
i. Tight clothing
j. See-through clothing
2. Skirts and shorts must cover the kneecaps at all times.
3. Bathing suits must be modest; no bikinis.
4. Robes, cover-ups, or towels must be worn to and from the pool.
5. Clothing must not depict or suggest gangs, sex, immodesty, alcohol, tobacco, drug use, violence, or profanity.
6. Attire for the evening chapel must be clean.

1. Campers and visitors are subject to the instructions of all staff members.
2. All persons participating in camp activities must be registered as campers/ day campers.
3. Campers must be between the ages of 9-19 by the time of the session being attended.
4. Visitors must check in with the director or designee immediately upon arriving at camp.
5. All persons will remain on camp property.
6. No camper or staff may may leave the camp without checking out with the director.
7. All unauthorized persons will stay away from the utility buildings, staff quarters, kitchen, swimming pool, and any fenced off area.
8. Campers must pass a swim test to use the deep end of the pool.
9. Campers are responsible for providing their own floatation devices.
10. The session director has authority over all games, activities, skits and programs.

Health/ Wellness:
1. All medications brought to camp must be kept and administered by the camp nurse.
2. Label medication with the user’s name and exact instructions.
3. Please check your child for head lice before camp.
4. Campers must bring their own sheets, blanket or sleeping bag, pillow and pillow case.
5. Campers may not share bunks.

Prohibited Items – Campers are not allowed to have the following items:
Cell phones, tablets/ computers/ e-Readers, gaming devices, music/ video devices, radios, alarm clocks, fans, pocket knives, and any items intended for pranks, hazing, or other unapproved use.

The following items are prohibited for campers, staff or visitors:
Weapons, firearms, explosives, alcohol, tobacco, recreational drugs.

Prohibited Actions:
1. Profanity (swearing, euphemisms, using the Lord’s name in vain)
2. Bullying, hazing, pranks
3. Touching/ taking others’ belongings
4. Fighting, arguing
5. Horseplay, roughhousing
6. Crossing to the other gender’s side of camp
7. Destruction or disrespect of camp property

1. No camper, parent, or visitor vehicles are allowed up the hill.
2. Only approved staff vehicles are allowed up the hill.
3. No vehicles are allowed beyond the front door of the Mess Hall.
4. Vehicles may not be driven in areas posted as such.
5. Campers with cars on site must relinquish their keys to the session director or designee.

Modified, as approved by the Board of Directors, on 02-16-2014